There are many details easy to miss in our communication, we hope this will help clarify a few things! Let us know if you have more!
Are you both going to be employed by Young Life? Or is just Chase?
Both of us! Yay! This was an important factor in our discernment process as Meg has been trying to join staff for a while (there are many barriers for spouses in the states). Chase serve as the full-time Area Director of Munich International Schools and Meg will start part-time as a Ministry Specialist (she can work as much or as little as she likes, we just have to raise the funds).
Will Young Life provide the opportunity to learn German?
Ja! Yes! We will go to language school when we move but have started on DuoLingo for the time being. The students we will work with will speak English, but we want to be good neighbors and really engage German culture—starting with the language!
Do you have to raise support for your entire salary? Or will Young Life pay for part of it?
We have to raise all our salary, benefits, program costs, and Young Life overhead (roughly 160,000 a year). Domestically, that is not the case as there is generally local support. As international communities do not have a “receiving team” (a local committee) we have to raise it here, before we go so we can be fully present with students. We do not have a formal partnership with the school, so Young Life will be our primary source of income. We are truly going as ministers!
Will Young life provide and pay for your housing?
We love being a part of Young Life because they provide amazing support and benefits to staff members. However, we will get a paycheck just like we do here and the rest is up to us! Housing in Munich’s suburbs is a little more affordable than Issaquah; we look forward to an extra bedroom for visitors!
What happens if you don’t raise enough money?
We don’t have a deadline but if it becomes clear we aren’t going to raise the funds, we will reassess. If we choose to take a domestic position, the money already raised can be transferred over. Chase can stay at his job with Issaquah Young Life until next June, but we are hoping to move before then!
Are you starting something new or taking over for someone?
Munich International Schools actually have a long-standing tradition of Young Life. The previous couple was there for ten years! We are in contact with them and grateful for their support and insight (they moved back to the states to finish an adoption process). However, international school communities are transient so it will likely feel like we are starting something new.
How long of a commitment have you made?
Our new boss asked us to be committed to three years and open to five. Chase will have his first sabbatical during that third year and we anticipate using that time to reflect and discern.